Sunday 22 September 2013

BES 2013 Welcome Back Event

On Sunday, 22nd September, Bruneian Edinburgh Society organised a welcome back event for its members. The event was also held to welcome the new addition of Bruneian students into the society. Held at the Cairngorm Room, Pleasance, the event started with a short presentation from the BES president, Maryam Haji Rajid regarding the aim of the society and few upcoming events organise by the committee such as the Hari Raya Aidil Adha celebration and the main Khatam Al-Quran event in the second semester.  

BES President, Maryam Haji Rajid giving her speech

BES Female Religious Officer, Nabilah Jeffery during her presentation 

The event continued with a game called "Find Someone Who" (which is the go to ice breaking game for Edinburgh's freshers) where the main objective is to fill in the questionnaire with names of the people who fit the criteria. 

Members discussing the questions 

BES Vice President, Siddiqah Rosli explaining the next event
The second part of the game was something called the Chinese Whisper. Members were divided into 2 teams and had to whisper a sentence from one person to the other, and whose team get it right, wins. The chosen sentence was "Goofy Grinning Gophers gobbled gigantic grapes while juggling".

Memorising the "impossible" sentence



Members of the winning team receiving the gift

The event ended with a small potluck lunch and the typical group photo to commemorate the day.

The Committee

Group photo

Thursday 25 April 2013

Sembahyang Hajat & Bacaan Surah Yassin

Sebagai persediaan untuk peperiksaan penggal terakhir 2012, BES telah menganjurkan majlis sembahyang hajat dan bacaan Surah Yassin. Adalah diharapkan dengan ini, para penuntut dapat bersedia untuk menghadapi kertas-kertas ujian dengan keadaan yang tenang. Acara yang mengambil tempat di Paterson's Land, University of Edinburgh tersebut telah diketuai oleh Asnawi Metusin.


Sunday 7 April 2013

Edinburgh Tour for the khatam Al-Quran "out of town" participants

The khatam Al-Quran event was a success and as a symbol of gratitude, the Bruneian Edinburgh Society had organised a tour of the city of Edinburgh for the fellow participants from Newcastle, Durham, Aberdeen, Stirling and Cardiff. 

On the morning of 7th April, the tour kicked start with a short climb to Calton Hill. The group spend quite some time here, taking pictures and enjoying the view of Edinburgh City. Afterwards, the tour proceeded with a stroll along the Princess Street where the group made a visit to the Scott Monument. Around 1pm, the tour had a break so that the participants could perform Zuhur prayer and had lunch at the famous Mosque Kitchen. 

Calton Hill

BES members as tour guides

 The tour continued with a trip along Royal Mile, part of Edinburgh's old town and headed towards the Edinburgh Castle. The tour stopped by a gift shop where the group bought some Scottish souvenirs as a reminder of their trip to Edinburgh. The tour ended over some tea and coffee at Black Medicine cafe. All in all, it was an enjoyable tour and we hope our fellow friends will come again soon. 

The entrance of Edinburgh Castle

The Royal Mile

Enjoying coffee at Black Medicine

Saturday 6 April 2013

Majlis Khatam Al-Quran Gabungan Pelajar-pelajar Brunei Darussalam dan Malaysia

Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom.
Sabtu, 6hb April 2013.

Mengambil tempat di William Arrol, Heriot-Watt University, pelajar-palajar Brunei Darussalam yang menuntut di University of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University, Newcastle University, University of Aberdeen, Durham University, University of Stirling dan Cardiff University bergabung usaha dengan pelajar Edinburgh Malaysian Students' Association (EMSA) untuk melangsungkan majlis tersebut. Hadir selaku tetamu kehormat, Yang Mulia Cikgu Kamaliah Abdul Rahman, Pegawai Kebajikan Unit Penuntut-Penuntut, Brunei High Commission, London, UK.

Acara pada pagi sabtu itu dimulakan dengan bacaan surah Al-Fatihah dipimpin oleh Ustaz Mushadad Bin Hulaimi (EMSA). Ucapan alu-aluan disampaikan oleh Naib Presiden Brunei Edinburgh Society, Awang Adi Zekwan Bin Mohd Addly lalu diikuti dengan ucapan dari tetamu kehormat, Yang Mulia Cikgu Kamaliah Abdul Rahman. Di dalam kata alu-aluan tersebut, Awang Adi Zekwan ada memetik khutbah terakhir Nabi Muhammad s.a.w  “ Sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan kepada kamu dua perkara yang sekiranya kamu berpegang teguh dan mengikuti kedua-duanya, nescaya kamu tidak akan tersesat selama-lamanya. Itulah AL-QURAN dan SUNNAH ku”.  Yang Mulia Cikgu Kamaliah Abdul Rahman turut menyampaikan perasaan bangga beliau terhadap pelajar-pelajar kerana meskipun sebok dengan pelajaran, mereka masih dapat meluangkan masa untuk bersama-sama menjayakan ibadah kepada Allah s.w.t.

Acara diteruskan dengan bacaan ayat-ayat lazim Al-Quran, Takhtim dan Dikir Marhaban yang diketuai oleh  Ustaz Mushadad Bin Hulaimi (EMSA) lalu disertai dengan penyampayan sijil kepada peserta-peserta khatam. Acara diakhiri dengan bacaan Doa Selamat dan bergambar ramai.

Naib presiden BES menyampaikan cenderahati kepada tetamu kehormat.

Gambar ramai peserta-peserta khatam bersama tetamu kehormat.
Gambar oleh: Mohamman Azlan Raiman

Saturday 16 March 2013

BES Outing: Indoor Paintball!!

We're out for BLOOD!not really, more like paint. On the 16th March, the BES family went out for a thrilling activity, indoor paintballing. Taking place at the Urban Paintball Edinburgh, the BES family took part in a few challenging games, playing out different scenarios and carrying different objectives. Two teams were formed, Red and Blue. Both team were pretty determined to win but in the end the Blue team brought home the glory. The day was filled with adrenaline, pain and bruises but most importantly the BES family had a great fun :)